Prince William Sports Challenge

December 1, 2009

What: Prince William Sports Challenge

When: Friday, December 11th 2009. 10:00am to 4:00pm

Where: Freedom & Aquatic Fitness Center, GMU PW Campus, Manassas, VA

What type of event is this & what games will be featured at the SportsChallenge?

This is the 4th annual  Sports Challenge University Life has hosted & will be a great dayfull of sports, food, prizes & fun competition! The event is free- all we need is acompleted team registration form. The event will be held indoors at theFreedom & Aquatic Fitness Center, on Masons Prince William Campus.Featured sports are: Basketball, Indoor Soccer, Dodgeball, Wallyball, and a Relay Race!

What are the team rules, sizes, event personnel, etc?

The teams will consist of 6-10 people (more people you have, the better!). Eachteam is led by their “Team Captain”, who is our contact person regardinganything & everything concerning the event- registration, day-of info, etc. George Mason Intramural Department will oversee all game rules, regulations & refereeing. University Life will be facilitating the event, along with volunteers.

Will food & prizes be offered?

Absolutely! Teams can enjoy a morning breakfast-fresh fruits, muffins, powerbars, water & Gatorade. After the event we will have a post-game BBQ in the Community Room, offering hamburgers, grilled chicken, hot dogs, and veggie dogs. Prizes (TBA) will be awarded to the winning team of the Sports Challenge as well as recognition on our Sports Challenge Plaque!

What should teams wear for the event?

Team members will have access to the bathroom & changing areas of the Freedom Center. We recommend wearing comfortable gym attire light/breathable clothing & proper athletic or gym shoes. Teams can be creative & make their own team shirts & if desired bring an extra pair of clothes, as we will be having the post-game BBQ lunch in the Community Room.

Who do we contact for this event?

All questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to Charvis Campbell (, Assistant Dean University Life-Prince William Campus or Benjamin Green (, Sports Challenge Event Coordinator.

We hope to see you at the Sports Challenge!!

Please contact us with any additional questions or concerns


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