General Selection Room Type Availability
April 1, 2011
Hi Everyone!
Doubles/Roommate selection is complete, so we are gearing up for General Selection for April 4 and 5. All students who are eligible to participate in Housing Selection who have not yet selected may still participate in General Selection.
In anticipation that some people may be surprised by what rooms are still available, keep the following in mind:
- Approximately 1000 people retained their current space or were assigned to an LLC space
- Approximately 1200 people selected during the Doubles/Roommates process
The room countdown tool shows that the majority of rooms left are singles or triples, with scattered spaces available in partially filled doubles. Don’t forget that the majority of people left to select are people who wanted singles, triples, or didn’t have a preferred roommate.
Students who are eligible to participate in General Selection will receive an email reminder on April 1.
Entry Filed under: Housing Selection 2011-2012. Posted in Housing Selection 2011-2012 .
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