Housing Selection – Applications and the Waitlist
February 27, 2012
Hi Everyone,
After a week of data-checking, today we sent out emails to everyone with information about which selection process you will participate in. Here’s a brief overview of how many applications we received and some information about group selection.
Groups of Two
There are approximately 180 groups of two. It is likely that there are more groups of two than there will be suites available for two people. Groups of two with the highest average seniority will be directed straight to individual selection. We anticipate that there will be empty suites for four and six at the start of individual selection, so these groups may still be able to select together. More information will be available in mid-March. Members of groups of two will receive selection times on March 16.
Groups of Three
There are approximately 85 groups of three. It is likely that there are more groups of three than there will be suites available for three people. Groups of three with the highest average seniority will be directed straight to individual selection. We anticipate that there will be empty suites for four and six at the start of individual selection, so these groups may still be able to select together. More information will be available in mid-March. Members of groups of three will receive selection times on March 16.
Groups of Four
There are 585 groups of four. Members of groups of four received selection instructions today. All groups of four who are not on the Guaranteed Waitlist will be able to select a suite for four people. If you are in a group of four, check your email for instructions, and use the Room Locator to plan where you will select! Review the Selection Schedule to see where you fall in the process.
Groups of Six
There are approximately 45 groups of six. We anticipate that all groups of six will be able to select a suite for six people. Members of groups of six will receive selection times on March 16.
There are currently over 400 individuals eligible to select. Individual selection will occur April 3-5. Selection times for individual selection will be emailed on March 29. Keep in mind that members of groups who don’t select will be able to participate in individual selection, so the number of students participating will likely rise. All students participating in individual selection will be able to select a space. As always, there is no guarantee that your desired room type or location will be available.
Guaranteed Waitlist
166 students were informed that they are going straight to the Guaranteed Waitlist. These students are individuals and groups with the highest average seniority in the application pool. These students will receive an assignment over the summer.
Overall, we received 4000 applications. This is the same as last year.
Entry Filed under: Housing Selection 2012-2013,OHRL information. Posted in Housing Selection 2012-2013 ,OHRL information .
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